Heavy rainfall cuts off Sambalpur – Jharsuguda State highway

(Katikela Road cut off Visual)
(Katikela Road cut off Visual)
JHARSUGUDA : Heavy rainfall for last 24 hours in Jharsuguda district has resulted into disconnect of road communication between the Sambalpur – Jharsuguda state highway 10 on Tuesday afternoon.
Due to which several vehicles were lying stranded. The heavy downpour had thrown life out of gear of Jharsuguda district as SH-10 and NH-49 both was cut off due to overflowing of Bheden river and Kulupalli nalla, near Raghunathpalli disconnecting Kolabira Village from Jharsuguda. Even Kolabira – Kuchinda NH- 49 road remained cut off due to overflowing of Rabdega Nalla.
Several adjoining villages under Jharsuguda Block like Katikela, Bhurkhamunda, remained cut off due to overflowing of Bheden river. As per emergency cell, around 152.4 mm rainfall was recorded in last 24 hour in Jharsuguda.
Jharsuguda Dist. Administration had swung into action and has evacuated several People from �Taraeikela village under Kolabira Panchayat and Amlapalli Village under Sodamal Panchayat �and shifted them to Amlapalli Ashram School.
Like wise even the SH -10 near Kherwal Bridge has been blocked as a safety measures and no vehicles are allowed to move due to water flowing above the road.
In this Jharsuguda Dist. Administration had called in a Emergency Review meeting on this situation at DRDA Conference Hall. Till writing of this report the meeting was going on.
�Around two platoon forces have been deployed near the Kherwal Bridge to stop the vehicular movement from Sambalpur � Jharsuguda (SH-10) as a safety measures.� Said by Jharsuguda SDPO Raj Kishore Paikray
�Due to rise in Water level of IB & Bheden river nearby villages of under Kolabira Block of Jharsuguda District, around 500 people of Taraeikela village under Kolabira Panchayat and Amlapalli Village under Sodamal Panchayat has been shifted to Amlapalli Ashram School, where flattened rice (Chuda) and Jaggery has been provided while additionally cooked food arrangement has been done for them at night by Jharsuguda Dist. Administration. Even sufficient amount of flattened rice (Chuda) and Jaggery has been procured from local Market for the distribution.
The biggest problem is the Howrah � Mumbai railway Line, the water level of IB River has touch the danger level mark due to which the rail authority has stopped the movement of trains since evening, due to which many passengers are stranded on the railway station.
As precautionary measures, the vehicular movement of Sambalpur � Jharsuguda (SH � 10) near Kherwal Bridge has been stopped, Fire tender along with police force has been deployed at the spot to control traffic.
Till now , we have been informed that Hirakud�s after 15 Gates , additional 9 gates are going to opened due to which the we are expecting that water level of IB & Bheden rive may recede overnight.� Said by Deputy Collector cum Emergency Cell Incharge Devendra Nanda
As per the sources, Jharsuguda � Bilashpur Passenger scheduled for Tuesday evening was cancelled while several Howarh Bound train were stranded at various railway stations. As per the information, Mumbai � Howarh Mail was stranded at Champa Station, while Pune � Howarh (Azad Hind Express) was stranded for hours at Kharsia Station.