Lawyers of Western Odisha calls for economic Blockade from 7th Jan

Jharsuguda: Central Action Committee (CAC), spearheading the movement for a high court bench in Western Odisha, has called for 3-day economic blockade from January 7th to press the demand for the establishment of High Court bench in Western Odisha.
This economic blockade will be done from 7th January to 9th January. In this regard, Lawyers of four district i.e. Sambalpur, Deogarh, Sundargarh and Jharsuguda had met on Thursday at Jharsuguda District Bar Premises and discussed regarding this economic blockade.
“We have called for economic blockade for 3 days starting from January 7th. In this regard, members and representative of Bar from four district Sambalpur, Deogarh, Sundargarh and Jharsuguda had met and discussed regarding the economic blockade. In this, it is decided that all transportation services transporting Coal, Mines & Minerals, Iron ore, Cement, sand etc will not be allowed. We are also planning to stop goods train transporting coals from various mines of Jharsuguda, Sundargarh area. State Government is taking revenues from these districts but is not giving any importance. We demand that state government should send a team to Central Government for discussing this issue. If the State Government can discuss other problems with Central Government, then why not this High court issue. State Government should take steps and find a solution to this. ” said CAC convenor Ashok Das.
“As decided in a meeting held at Birmaharajpur on 14th December 2018, Bar president and representative of four districts had met and discuss on this blockade. We will not allow the movement of transport carrying minerals. However, we will allow transportation of all essential food commodities like Food grain, Vegetables, milk etc. This is done for the Government who is not at all listening to our demands, at least the State Government should consider it and take necessary steps.” said Raghumani Patel, President, Jharsuguda Bar Association.