Omkar Sahu of SSVM Brajrajnagar becomes Jharsuguda District Topper in Matriculation Exams

JHARSUGUDA:�Twelve students of Jharsuguda District have secured A1 grade in Annual Matriculation Examination results, which was announced by the Board of Secondary Education (BSE) on Monday.
Among the 12 students who belonged from various schools of the Jharsuguda District, One Omkar��Sahu, a student of Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir School of Brajrajnagar has scored 563 out of 600 with a percentage of 93.83, has become the topper of the Jharsuguda District.
“I want to thank my parents and my teachers of my school. I want to become a Doctor in future and would work hard for it. For getting good results I was studying around 14 hours only. My advice to the students preparing next Matriculation exams is that they should read for less hour but should read very attentively. Whatever teaching is done at school, they should learn attentively and come home and revised it the same day. By doing this they can secure good numbers . ” said Omkar Sahu, a student of Saraswati Shishu Vidya Mandir, Brajrajnagar
Even out of 12 students of A1 Grade of the Jharsuguda district, Girls has outshined the boys. Among 12 students, 8 students were girls and�rest 4 were boys.
A Total 6,302 students had appeared for the examination in 38 centres in 117 schools of Jharsuguda District. Among which 10 students were booked for malpractice and around 865 students failed.
Among total passed students of 5427 students, 52 % (2848) were girls and 47% (2579) were boys. This year Jharsuguda district has kept a pass percentage of 86.25 %.
List of the students with A1 Grades of the District :