World Diabetes Day observed

On the occasion of World Diabetes Day, the Lions Club of Jharsuguda organised a diabetes diagnosis and awareness camp at Jagnyaseni hospital, Jharsuguda on 14th November 2021. The camp was inaugurated by Prabeer Kumar Nayak, Additional District Magistrate Jharsuguda. The Chief Guest in his speech explained how the lifestyle of the people is responsible for diabetes and how to get rid of diabetes. President Madhumita Subhnil alongwith Project Chairperson and Vice President of Club Dr SJ Patel explained how diabetes has engulfed the maximum population of this world. To get rid of diabetes regular exercise, yoga, Pranayam etc are essential. The audience was also addressed by senior lion B.G. Mishra, Lion C.K.Kedia proposed the vote of thanks. The meeting was coordinated by Lion Sudhir Mahapatra. On this occasion District Coordinator of Lions Club Lion S.K.Shubhnil, regional chairperson lion H.C Gupta, Ln H.S.Barpanda,Ln S.K.Dani, Ln Pawan Sultania, Ln Subhasish Hota, Ln Trinath Gual, Ln Kishore Mohanty, Ln S.K. Panda, Ln Kavita Panda, Ln Minarva Panda were present.