Jharsuguda : World Forest Day was observed at Jharsuguda. In this occasion an awareness rally was organised from the Man Mohan M. E. Schoool to Busstand, in which several school children�s had participated. Later, a function was held at Girls High School, where the chief Guest of the function was Dr. Dhruv Raj Naik along with District Education Officer Bikash Pradhan, Girl�s High Shool Principal Meera Patnaik, Jharsuguda DFO Arun Kumar Ray, Basil Barla ( HCF), Ashish Shukla (Environment lover) were present. Forestry award was handed to Best Gram Panchayat Chandalimal who received Rs. 20,000 and Best School � Bharkhol High School who received Rs. 10000 cash awards.
Similarly last year Best Grampanchayat Dulaga had won this ward and received 20,000 and where a s in School category Govt. High School Teleimal had been awared Rs. 10000 cash award.
The Chief Guest Dr. Dhruv Raj Naik while addresing the meeting, presented some facts that how the forest has been playing an important role in the times of Ramayana and Mahabharat. Where Ram has talked about the beautiful Panchvati Forest and in Mahabaharat too. He also mentioned that, even flag of�Ayodhya had a�sign of a tree imprinted on the flag, which symbolize how important was the forest to them also.�Forest Conservation has also been talked in a year 1908, by the British Rulers. He urged the students to aware peoples around and make this plant more healthier by protesting the Forest. �Later prizes were distributed to the school children�s for participating in Debate�and �Drawing Competition in which DAV school of Jharsuguda had got the maximum number of Awards.