Mock Bomb Threat Preparedness Drill conducted at VSS Airport

Jharsuguda: A mock Bomb threat preparedness drill was conducted at Veer Surendra Sai Airport (VSS) on Friday to test the coordination and response of all agencies, in coordination with Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS), Sambalpur led by Inspector Prashant Kumar Bhoi along with Anti Sabotage Check (ASC) team with Inspector Udan Baskey.
During this Mock Drill, Airport Director Pavan Kumar Zutshi, CASO Subhash Bhoi along with other officials of Airport Authority of India (AAI), Alliance Air and Spice Jet Airlines Security staff, other stakeholders, State Police inspectors were present to witness and learn from the drill.
This Bomb threat Mock drill is scheduled once a year. Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad team, Sambalpur and ASC team, Jharsuguda also demonstrated different types of explosives and the methods used in a bomb explosion and educated staff working at the Airport to be more cautious while handling such types of incidents/mishappenings at the Airport.