Factory Labourer Charred to Death after Falling into Blast Furnace

Jharsuguda : In a tragic incident, a 36-year-old contractual �worker was charred to death after falling inside the Induction furnace in a unit of SMC Power Generation Ltd. plant, situated at Badmal in Jharsuguda
Police identified the worker as Devanarayan Mahato (36) year old, a resident of Muzzafarpur�Bihar
As per police officials, the worker identified as Devanarayan Mahato, a contractual worker who was working at the Induction furnace in Unit -2 of SMC Power Generation Ltd. had accidentally slipped and fell into the Induction Furnace.
Jharsuguda Assistant Director, Factory and Boiler, Archana Dash, said, �The worker was working at the Induction Furnace, and he accidentally fell inside the induction furnace at 6.45 am, from our department, I have personally visited and enquiry was conducted and a report has been sent to the government. At present, the particular furnace No. 3 has been shut down and till they don�t give a compliance report, the furnace cannot be Operational. It has a total of five furnaces out of which only the 3rd Furnace has been closed down where the incident occurred.�
Jharsuguda Sub-Divisional Police Officer (SDPO) Umashankar Singh confirmed that the police were informed of the incident on Saturday morning. “The deceased is from Muzaffarpur, Bihar. We have notified his family members and await their arrival to proceed with the necessary legal actions,” said Singh.
Till the filing of this report, several attempts were made and we got no response from the company side.