Jharsuguda News

Mr. Sudhir Didwania Elected as the New President of JCI Club

JHARSUGUDA: Junior Chamber International India popularly known as JCI, Jharsuguda branch yesterday elected JC Sudhir Didwania as its new president for the current term in a function held at Hotel Meghdoot. JC Sudhir was among the founding member of this club. Kishore Kumar Mohanty (Ex- Rajya Sabha) was the chief guest of this function along with Anil Singh (Chairman, Black Diamond Group of Education) , JFM Chetan Tarwani, (Ex- Zone President) , JC Dinesh Agarwal (Present Zone President).
This function started with welcoming of Guest and a description session given by the founder members JC Sanju Lodha , JC Manish Shah, JC Vikas Sultania and Junior JC members. Ex- Secretary of this club Gridhar Bhattar had presented the report card of the last year. Soon after, JC Sudhir was presented a Medal by the Past President JC Dinesh Sakunia and then followed by an oath taking ceremony. After which Kishore Mohanty had said that it was his pleasure coming to this function as this club is working towards the social needs and cause which would surely help the society and whenever it is needed I am always present for this club for any help. Anil Singh, Chairman of Black Diamond Group of Education had also proposed that club should be working to uplift the students and people who are living on the villages through proper education. Lastly JC Sudhir had called in all his present team members for an Oath taking ceremony.


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