Joint Public Gri?vanc? H?aring Camp H?ld in Lakhanpur Block

Jharsuguda: A joint public gri?vanc? h?aring camp was conv?n?d at th? Lakhanpur Block Chantipali Gram Panchayat Offic? und?r th? chairmanship of Coll?ctor Aboli Sunil Naravan?. Sup?rint?nd?nt of Polic? Smit P. Parmar, District Council Chi?f D?v?lopm?nt Offic?r and Ex?cutiv? Offic?r Prabir Kumar Naik, Sub Coll?ctor Kishor? Chandra Swain, Additional Sup?rint?nd?nt of Polic? Lambodar Buda, Brajrajnagar S. D. P. O. Chintamani� Pradhan, Ex?cutiv? Offic?r Vinay Pat?l, th? local Sarpanch, and oth?r district and block-l?v?l officials att?nd?d th? camp.
A total of 59 complaints w?r? r?gist?r?d during th? camp, comprising 27 coll?ctiv? gri?vanc?s and 32 individual complaints. The group’s complaints included unfair tr?atm?nt of villag?rs and chang?s to th?ir work in Mindaga, which is part of R?mata Panchayat; fixing up th? Radhakrishna T?mpl?; fixing up th? Dakhina kali T?mpl? and Kalyan Mandap in Kiritmal Panchayat; putting th? wat?r outl?t for th? Mahulapali m?galift point in th? right plac?. Th? conc?rn?d officials w?r? instruct?d to tak? prompt m?asur?s to addr?ss th?s? coll?ctiv? gri?vanc?s.
Individual complaints include r?qu?sts for wat?r supply from Pithinda Villag? BahalDam for v?g?tabl? cultivation.
In addition to r?solving gri?vanc?s, th? camp also distribut?d an amount of 20, 000 rup??s to four individuals from th? Chi?f Minist?r’s R?li?f Fund.
Th? joint public gri?vanc? h?aring camp ?ff?ctiv?ly addr?ss?d th? concerns of th? Lakhanpur Block community, ?nsuring th?ir acc?ss to gov?rnm?nt s?rvic?s and support.