Karate Belt Grading Seminar Held

Jharsuguda : A Belt Grading Seminar was organised by All Odisha Goju Ryu Karate-Do Federation at Edu hub Jharsuguda. Kyoshi L. Nageshwar Rao, 8th Dan Black Belt (Japan), President and Chief Instructor, All India GOJU RYU Karate-Do Federation, Vice President of Karate Association of India (KAI) was the chief guest while Sensei Susanta Gupta was the Chief Instructor.
DPS Principal Sujata Mishra was the Guest of Honor along with AK Sharma, Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya. In this event, Secretary Mansi Panda and Advisor Vivekananda Mishra were also present.
Around 120 students had taken part in this event and the program was organized by the National Karate Foundation and Sushant Gupta, President, National Karate Foundation.