New Office bearers of Odisha State Pencak Silat Association elected

Jharsuguda : Newly members of the Odisha state Pencak Silat Association, were elected on Wednesday. These new members were elected after an election held at the head office of Pencak Silat Association Odisha, Jharsuguda. This election was conducted for the year 2021-2025.
This election was conducted by Mrs Suma Modi. In this members from 12 districts had participated. In spite of the Covid Pandemic, the President and General Secretary from the different districts had joined. Md. Iqbal, the Director-General of the Indian Pencak Silat Federation was the observer of this meeting. He observed the meeting for long three hours over Zoom. The final result of the election was declared by Mrs Suman Modi.
The newly elected body members are:
Tapas Kumar Ray Choudhury (President)
Arabinda Barik (Vice President)
Manoranjan Bhanja (Vice President)
Prem Singh Thapa (General Secretary)
Tapaswini Nayak (Joint Secretary)
Sangita Thapa (Joint Secretary)
Bhababi Kumari Sahoo (Treasurer)
Harishchandra Behera (Executive Member)
Sridhar Sahu (Executive Member)
Ashutosh Nayak (Executive Member)
Shiva Prasad Bhosagar (Executive Member)
Riajat Khan (Executive Member)