TRL Krosaki flags off Tuberculosis Chariot for creating awareness on Tuberculosis

Belpahar : TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited flags off a Tuberculosis Chariot at Belpahar on World Tuberculosis Day for creating awareness among the general public about this deadly but curable disease. Dr Tushar Kanti, Director, TRL Krosaki Hospital flagged off the chariot on 24.03.2021 at TRL Krosaki Hospital. The programme was organized by the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Department of the company. Dr Gopinath Soren, Dr Manjuri Besra, Dr Rajiv Singdeo, Matron Sujata Das, Aniruddha Mishra and other hospital staff attended the programme. Dr Santosh Kumar Mishra, Deputy General Manager (PR & CSR), Sasanka Dixit, Deputy Manager (PR & CSR), and other CSR Staff like Akshyaya Singh, Bhaskar Rana, Brajabandhu Satpathy, etc. actively participated in the programme.
Before flagging off the chariot, Dr. Tusharkanti Das gave a brief information about Tuberculosis. According to him, the disease is one of the primitive diseases and is still existing because of the ignorance and negligence of the people. According to Dr. Das, the disease is curable. If a person is having persistence cough, he should visit the hospital for a diagnostic check up. Medicine for the treatment of Tuberculosis is provided free of cost by the Government which can be obtained from the hospital. Dr. Das appreciated the initiative taken today and believed that, such initiatives would create the necessary awareness among the general public.
The chariot developed by the company was decorated with banners and posters on Tuberculosis awareness. Information about tuberculosis and its treatment was announced continuously through a public address system and at the same time leaflets on the subject was distributed among the public to create awareness about the disease and its treatment. Staff nurses of the hospital walked in a procession along with the chariot by holding placards on information about Tuberculosis. The chariot moved through every ward of Belpahar Municipality.
Health Services is one of the focused areas of TRL Krosaki. CSR Department of the company in association with TRL Krosaki Hospital and Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Odisha organizes a number of health programmes like, AIDS eradication, Vaccination, Pulse Polio Immunisation, Eradication of Filaria, Tuberculosis, etc. for the benefit of the general public.