Vedanta Limited Jharsuguda Observes 46th National Safety Week

Jharsuguda:�As a part of its continuing effort to promote and inculcate safety consciousness among the plant personnel, the 46th National Safety week was observed at the premises of Vedanta Limited Jharsuguda. The theme being observed this year is �Leadership in Safety and Health Enhances Business Sustainability�.
The weeklong observation began on 4th March 2017 and a series of activities are scheduled to happen throughout the week. The event begun with a flag hosting ceremony inside the plant in the presence of employees. Along with other senior management, present on the occasion were Dayanidhi Behera, Head Aluminum Operations, Jharsuguda, K.A. Chowdury, Head Smelter 2, and G.G Pal, Head Smelter 1. The senior leaders urged the employees to become their own safety leaders and also to become role models to their fellow co-workers. They stressed on the need of inculcating safety measures in daily practices.
A safety oath was taken by all the employees during the event which is jointly coordinated and conducted by safety and security team of Vedanta Limited Jharsuguda. The week-long observation will get concluded on 10th March 2017.