After 3 years, a 11 year old Specially abled child reunited with her family with the help of Aadhar Card

As per Child Welfare Committee, she was living a shelter home at Thakkar Bapa Seva Sadan, (TBSS) Belpahar and under the TBSS supervision, she was also studying at Jhadeswari Special School Buromal for last 3 years.�
When Government directed all children to avail Aadhar Card, The girl child also availed the Aadhar Card at Jharsuguda by giving her finger prints. Once it was taken the fingerprints matched with her previous Aadhar card database made with her parents and then it was known that the child belonged to a family living in Wardha District of Maharashtra.
Then the chairperson of Child Welfare committee Anandini Padhi had orderd Childline to traceout the family address through Childline network.
The Child line Coordinator�Ashish Kumar Panda took immediate action and found the family address of the child through the help of�Wardha Childline and identified the parents of the child.
On 17th December, parents of the child appeared before�Child�Welfare Committee and as per CWC order, the child was handed over to
her parents in the�
Anandini Padhi(CWC Chairperson),Mamata�Tripathy(CWC Member),Gunanidhi�Bhainsa(CWC Member), Sunanda Maharana(DCPO), Bibekananda Mishra (Director, Jhadeswari Special School), Mamata
Dash(Principal, Jhadeswari Special School), Tikeswar�Suna(TBSS), Ashish�Kumar Panda(Centre Coordinator, CHILDLINE) and Radheshyam Naik (Team member, CHILDLINE) were present .