
Foundation Day of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan Celebrated

Jharsuguda: Yesterday Foundation Day of Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan was being celebrated at P.K.S.S.College, H.Katapali, . The event started with an welcome speech given by Padmanava Mali followed with overview of NYK given by Pankaj Manohar Sripuri of NYK,and Later on followed by speech given by Mr. Santosh Kumar Sahu Principal, Pradeepta Patel History Lecturer of the PKSS College , Brundaban Meher and Rukman Patel. This foundation Day was organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra and Young Sports and Cultural Association.

Six students of the college were being awarded by the organisation for standing among the best at Debate and Quiz Competition held on topic of Youth leadership in India.

In this function the Members of NYK Sachin Gardia,Tapas Mali ,Madan Deep,Padmanav Mali YSCA,Jharsuguda,Debananda Patel,Bijay Badhai,Bibekananda Padhan,Mandakini Satpathy,Dharitree Patel,Sasmita Dansana Lecturers of PKSS College along with 250 students were present .


Nehru Yuva Kendras were established in the year 1972 with the objective of providing rural youth avenues to take part in the process of nation building as well providing opportunities for the development of their personality and skills.

In the year 1987-88, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS) was set up as an autonomous organization under the Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports,� to oversee working of these Kendras. NYKS�is the largest grassroots level voluntary organization; one of its kind in the world.� It�channelizes the power of youth�who are in the age group of 13-35 years on the principles of voluntarism, self-help and�community participation.

Over the years, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan has established a network of youth clubs in villages, where Nehru Yuva Kendras have been set up.�NYKS has targeted to identify areas of harnessing youth power for development by forming Youth Clubs, which are village level voluntary action groups of youth at the grassroots level to involve them in nation building activities. The core strength of NYKS lies in its network of youth clubs.�Youth Clubs are village based organizations working for community development and youth

Youth Clubs are composed of youth members ranging between the age group of 15-35 years. The basic objective for creation of youth clubs is to render community support through developmental initiatives involving activities with particular focus on youth empowerment. The implementation of programmes and activities of youth clubs is based on local needs and requirements by mobilizing resources from various government departments and other agencies, which include both national, State level and multilateral institutions. The youth clubs and its member volunteers from the base of the NYKS�s vast national rural network.

Objectives of NYKS :

�To involve the rural youth in nation building activities.

�To develop such skills and values in them with which they become responsible and productive citizens of a ��modern, secular and technological nation.

Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan has been working in various fronts of youth development with a variety of youth programmes of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and certain special programmes in coordination and cooperation of other ministries. Main focus has been on developing values of good citizenship, thinking and behaving in secular ways, skill development and helping youth to adopt a productive and organized behaviour.


Vision of the organization focuses on developing long term strategies for good citizenship and youth leadership at the grass root level. Youth Clubs are formed and encouraged to participate in sports, cultural and local development activities. Youth leadership is developed in the course of formation and sustenance of youth clubs. This leadership becomes highly useful in creating:-

�Networks of volunteership.

�Opportunities of participation in fundamental democratic practices of polity and development; and,

�Instruments of empowerment of youth like skill-generation, awareness creation about health, life skills, ��and self employment.

Considering the fact that almost three-fourth of the Indian population is rural, the development of the nation as a whole depends on their progress and development. Besides, the demographic dividend that the country has enjoyed because of the larger segment of youth population makes it almost mandatory�for the largest youth organization like NYKS to take up more and more of such programmes as will promise�empowerment of youth.


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