Jharsuguda District Youth Festival Kicks off

Jharsuguda:� Traditional folk dance marked the beginning of Jharsuguda District Youth Festival organized by Jharsuguda District�Administration on Monday at Sanskruti Bhawan.
This two � day long cultural fest was inaugurated on Saturday by�Jharsuguda PD, DRDA� at a function organized at Sanskruti Bhawan. Over 250 youths from various blocks of the Jharsuguda District had participated on the first day. This two days event will end�on 7th November.
Various competitions like Folk Dance, Song and Act Play (Hindi &�English) along with competitions in classical, vocal (Solo) and�Classical Instrumental (Solo) was be organized in these two days.��Participants selected in these would participate in coming State�Level Youth Festival,� said by Dist. Sports Officer Sushil Kumar Mishra