Social Organisation demands to Free space for Emergency Services at Mangal Bazaar during Tuesday Market.

Jharsuguda:�Members of Pahadeswar Vikas Parishad on Friday submitted a memorandum to the District Collector demanding to free one side space for the allowing emergency services like Ambulance etc to move during the Tuesday market.
Reports says, Every Tuesday, when the daily vegetable markets sits on the roads at Mangal Bazaar and due to which both the roads leading to Hospital are blocked due to which the emergency medical services are affected.
In this regard, the �members of Pahadeswar Bikas Parishad� led by Sangram Mohanty� along with Tusar Patel , Lingraj mahapatra, Ritesh Awasti , Mihir Nayak , Amiya Mohanty , Umesh Behera, Bishal Nag, Roshan Patel and Tusar Sarkar� had met Jharsuguda District Collector and have suggest to free one side of the road for benefit for the patients and Ambulance service to reach the District Hospital in time.