Anti-Hijacking Mock Drill Conducted at Veer Surendra Sai Airport

Jharsuguda: A full-scale anti-hijacking mock exercise was conducted at Veer Surendra Sai Airport, Jharsuguda, on Thursday. The exercise was convened by Shri Sandeep Kumar Tiwari, Airport Director, under the chairmanship of Smt. Aboli Naravane, DM and Collector, Jharsuguda, in the presence of Shri Parmar Smit Parshottamdas, SP, Jharsuguda, Shri Subash Chandra Bhoi, CASO, Shri Abinash Satpathy, SM, Spicejet, Shri Abhijit Satpathy, Shri Kiran Kumar, Security Officer, BCAS, and other stakeholders.
In the exercise, a hijacking scene was staged using a coach to assess the preparedness and response of various agencies, viz., district authorities, APSU, state police, airlines, airport operator departments like air traffic control, communication, fire services, etc.
The exercise was conducted as mandated in the National Civil Aviation Security Programme to test the efficiency of the airport contingency plan and to familiarise all participating agencies with their roles and responsibilities in a hijack scenario.