
Jharsuguda forest officials nabs Monkey, which attacked children

Jharsuguda: Jharsuguda Forest Officials on Monday nabbed a male Monkey, which had created scare among residents of Cox Colony area for past few weeks by attacking young children.

As reported, a total of three cases of monkey attacked had been reported from this area. This monkey had been attacking smaller children’s. In the fear of this monkey, the residents have kept their children’s lock inside their houses.

“Three days back I had gone to ride a cycle in my house compound, When I saw that monkey I started running towards the entrance of my house but he jumped and caught me from behind and scratched on my cheeks. My grandmother nearby helped and rescued me. I was frightened to go and play outside” said Dhruvi Dhabalia, a 9-year-old child

“The resident of our compound in cox colony we were living in fear because of this monkey, we could not able to send children to play outside, he use to target only children’s,” said Himanshu Dhabalia, father of Dhruvi Dhabalia.  

Another resident of Cox colony Pankajini Bagh said “On Sunday afternoon, I was inside the home, my granddaughter who is 3.5 years old  had gone to the terrace along with neighbours child to play. After some time, she came running inside the house and closed the door and started crying, the monkey had attacked all over her face when I saw and opened the door I found that a monkey was sitting on the staircase, then we with the help of a stick, we shooed away from our house.”

“Since last seventeen days, we were tracking this monkey who had been injuring children’s in the Cox colony area but we were unable to catch him but today with a team of 20 officials from Wildlife, Para Watcher, Foresters, Forest Guards were able to capture this monkey from a house. We have decided to leave this monkey inside a Reserve Jungle under Jharsuguda District. We guess that the monkey might be tortured, so he was so aggressive and has been attacking. Additionally, we want to advise everyone not to tease any animals by throwing stones etc and not to feed then with any food,”  said R.C. Nath Forester, Jharsuguda 


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