Industrial CSRJharsuguda News

TRL Krosaki Celebrates 44th World Environment Day

TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited celebrated the 44th World Environment Day on 5th June, 2015 in its factory premises at Belpahar. Mr. Chandra Sekhar Das, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, was the Chief Guest of the function. Mr. Tsuyiguchi Koji, Executive Vice President (Technology), Mr. Hirdesh Sehgal, Senior Vice President (Operations), Dr. Tarapada Dash, Vice President (HR, Safety and Environment), Mr. Saroj Kumar Patra, Mr. Raj Kishore Rout, President and General Secretary respectively of TRL Krosaki Refractories Shramik Sangha, Officers and Workmen of the company were present in large numbers in the function.

          In a well-attended programme, the chief guest hoisted the World Environment Day Flag. Mr. Jiban Pattnaik, General Manager (Environment Management) welcomed the gathering of employees and briefed all present about the theme of the programme, that is “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care”. Mr. C. S. Das during his address told, “Like a number of water drops join together to form the ocean, all of us may be in a small way but contributing to the environment pollution. Hence, all of us should work together to minimize it.” He urged the engineers present to work towards rain water harvesting and use of solar energy for minimising the pressure on natural resources and pollution. He had also raised the issue of a big environmental problem arising out of electronic waste. He praised the level of plantation inside the works and confirmed that the number of planation inside and outside the works would be increased in the coming days.

A plantation programme was conducted inside the factory premises immediately after the programme is over. A barren land of one and half acres inside the plant was covered with Neem Saplings by the employees.

The company has planned to conduct various competitions, training programmes, display of films, shop floor talks, etc. during the month to create awareness among the employees and contract labours.

This is worthy to mention that, TRL Krosaki has won the prestigious Greentech Gold Award for Environment Management for the year 2014.


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