Jharsuguda News

Sesa Sterlites ties up with E-Kutir’s for Veggie Kart in Jharsuguda

Jharsuguda : Sesa Sterlite Limited,  with its community institution Subhalaxmi Mahila Samabaya Limited has signed an MOU on 22nd August with Veggie Kart to establish a unique livelihood model named Sesa-Veggie Kart in partnership with a professional development agencies i.e  e Kutir Rural Management Services Private Limited, Bhubaneswar. The agency has successfully demonstrated “Veggie Kart” model at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. This project  Sesa-Veggie Kart will be promoted by SSL for the benefit of Subhalaxmi Bahumukhee Mahila Samabaya Samiti Limited, Jharsuguda.

This Project’s main aim is to give benefit to Subhalaxmi cooperative financially and to support the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers by integrating a profitable collective enterprise i.e “Sesa-Veggie Kart” an IT based vegetables marketing model.

It main objectives are to provide round the year livelihoods solution to the vegetable growers through advanced agriculture practices and consumer driven marketing approach , To integrate the vegetables growers predominantly belonging to the affected families with the consumer though an ICT based vegetable marketing model , To develop micro entrepreneurs in the field of vegetable cultivation and marketing to earn their livelihoods , To create an opportunity for the consumer of Jharsuguda to avail fresh and hygienically packed vegetable through a ecommerce platform, To add corporate image and brand visibility.

Initially around 100 Vegetable producer of Subhalaxmi (Direct) would be the direct benefeciaries and after which it aims to target around 300 Vegetable producer of Jharsuguda and adjacent district (Indirect) with 10 Micro-entrepreneurs (Direct) and Unorganized Retail store owner (Indirect).

Sesa Sterlite Aims to impact the Vegetable growers of SSL’s peripheral villages adopt commercial vegetable farming and earning their livelihood with 100% market assurance. and to motivate the vegetable growers of Jharsuguda district. It would also benefit the Consumer of Jharsuguda, who are accustomed with the systems to avail fresh vegetable through an online ecommerce platform.

Through this model the small and marginal farmers of the district will be integrated with an assured marketing system and Subhalaxmi Cooperative will be benefited through a collective business enterprise. The cosmopolitan consumers of Jharsuguda will also be benefitted out this initiative where they will get sorted, graded, and hygienically packed fresh vegetable through an online marketing system.


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