Jharsuguda NewsJharsuguda Round Table

First Round Table of Jharsuguda Inaugurated , aims to work for the education of under privileged children along with other community service

Jharsuguda : The Jharsuguda Round Table was inaugurated on 23rd�February 2013 in a fun-packed event in Rourkela. The Table is sponsored by the Rourkela Round Table 194 lead by Chairman Tr. Aditya Sharma. The Ceremony was held during the mid-term meet of the Area 4 of Round Table India and was attended by tablers from Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Jamshedpur, Ranchi, Siliguri and Raigarh. The occasion was graced by the presence of National President Tr. Vineet Parekh, Area Chairman Tr. Neeraj Dhote, National Vice President of the Ladies Circle Cr. Pooja Galundia, Area Chairperson of the Ladies Circle Cr. Madhuri Mantri among other dignitaries of Round Table India.

�Round Table India is a non-political, non-sectarian group of young people aged between 18 and 40. The movement aims to work for the education of under privileged children along with other community service. Round Table India is affiliated to Round Table International which was started in the year 1920 in Norwich by Louis Marchesi.

Jharsuguda Round Table has�Deepak�Agrawal as its Chairman, Nimish Singhania � Vice Chairman, Suresh Kumar Tulshyan � Secretary, Prashant Behera � Treasurer and Ankit Sultania, Dinesh Sahu, Himanshu Khandelwal, Kushal Sakunia, Mudit Singhania, Ritesh Sharma, Sourav Agrawal, Tapas Panigrahi as members taking up additional responsibilities.

�The Ladies Circle, which comprises of the wives of tablers was also inaugurated alongside and Cr. Preeti Agrawal was chosen as the Chairperson to lead the circle. On this occasion, the circlers pledged support to the table while taking up projects of their own.


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