Radhika Sharma of Brajrajnagar secures 47th Rank in Odisha Civil Service Examination

Jharsuguda :�Radhika Sharma of Brajrajnagar has cleared the prestigious Odisha Civil Service Examination by securing the 47th Rank. The results of the Odisha Civil Service Examination were announced on Monday.
Radhika Sharma has done her BBA LLB from Siksha Anusandhan University and later completed LLM from NLU Cuttack and has been preparing for the Civil Service Examinations. In his second attempt, she secured the 47th�Rank.
�My first reaction is that I cannot believe that I have cleared Odisha Civil Service Examination. All the family members are very happy. As I was preparing along with my job, I use to give 5 to 6 hours daily and I was managing the time schedule according to it. This was my 2ndattempt. I just want to tell other students who are preparing for this that never lose themselves and take support and share among family members and don�t bring any negative thoughts and always do hard work. Eventually, one-day hard work pays off. I want to thank all the family members and teachers and friends who have supported me in my journey.�
She is the proud daughter of Suresh Sharma and Bimala Sharma of Lamtibahal, Brajrajnagar.