
TRL Krosaki commissions a new state-of-the-art Alumina Graphite Plant at Belpahar

Jharsuguda : TRL Krosaki Refractories Limited has commissioned a state-of-the-art 100 MT per month new Alumina Graphite plant in its Belpahar Works on March 7, 2022. Set up with an investment of nearly Rs. 65 Crores, this plant will enable TRL Krosaki to produce world-class Continuous Casting Refractories for Steel Plants in India and abroad. The project was commissioned with the technology of Krosaki Harima Corporation of Japan known for its superior technology and quality.

The facility was inaugurated by T. V. Narendran, CEO and Managing Director, Tata Steel Limited and the current President of Confederation of Indian Industries (CII). Hemant Nerurkar (Chairman), Priyabrata Panda (Managing Director) , Directors and Senior Executives of TRL Krosaki Hisatake Okumura of Krosaki Harima Corporation, Japan, and Senior Executives of Tata Steel like Prabhat Kumar and Chaitanya Bhanu along with others were present during the inauguration of the plant.

With a three-prong objective of supporting ‘Make in India’ ‘World Class Technology at Door-Step’ and ‘Achieving 300 MT Steel per Annum by 2030’, the project was commissioned by TRL Krosaki during the COVID period in which most of the industries were concentrating on conservative cost control approaches. The project boasts of having the best in the class equipment from Germany and Belgium. The plant shall be run by a team of engineers who have undergone a thorough six months of intensive training on manufacturing technology of Alumina Graphite Products at Krosaki Harima, Japan. A team of excellent Japanese engineers are also deputed by Krosaki Harima for overseeing the execution of the project and to hand hold the production, technology and quality control process.

Speaking on the occasion, Narendran expressed his satisfaction with the project which is going to add value to the Iron Steel Industry worldwide.  According to him “Both Tata Steel and Krosaki Harima have a very rich lineage and there are a lot of things both the organization can share with each other”. “Last time I had visited Belpahar about fifteen years back and I can see a lot of development in the township and impressed the way it is maintained” he added further.  Tata Steel, one of the largest customers of TRL Krosaki has established a technical collaboration with TRL Krosaki for taking up focused projects to develop solutions for the Iron and Steel industries.

Kazuhiro Egawa, President of Krosaki Harima Corporation who could not join the function because of COVID restrictions has sent a video message to the employees of TRL Krosaki on this occasion. Egawa expressed his deep satisfaction after his dream of putting up an Alumina Graphite Plant at Belpahar was materialized. Wishing Safety to all Egawa started his message with a quote by Mahatma Gandhi that is, “Our future depends upon what we do in the Present”. Mr Egawa said, “The company intends to enhance and intensify Customer Values and Satisfaction by manufacturing products in India and to deliver the best products to customers as early as possible”. According to him, with this plant, TRL Krosaki will be able to deliver the full line of products to its customers. He said, “This project symbolizes the cooperation between Japan and India and Engineering Companies.”

Hemant Nerurkar, Chairman of TRL Krosaki congratulated all for having the new plant in Belpahar. He praised TRL Krosaki for displaying the ability for manufacturing high technology products requiring stringent quality parameters on a continual basis. An upbeat Managing Director Mr. Panda said “With the Alumina Graphite Plant, TRL Krosaki shall be able to offer the complete range of products to its customers. The products which we were manufacturing in Japan will be manufactured in India.” Mr. Panda thanked Krosaki Harima and Tata Steel for their continuous support and handholding at all times.

TRL Krosaki has pioneered refractories production in India and is the number one refractories company in India in terms of revenue. The company is a part of Krosaki Group of Japan, the fourth largest refractories company in the world and a subsidiary of Nippon Steel. TRL Krosaki is the largest refractories exporter in India and has invested more than Rs. 500 Crores in recent times in Odisha. Known for its value-added products and services the company is also one of the oldest and most stable refractories industries in India which revamps its manufacturing facilities to remain ahead of its competitors.


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