JHARSUGUDA: Vedanta Limited, Jharsuguda 2400 MW TPP bags Gold Award of Kalinga Safety Award 2015 in Power plant category for Its Excellence in Safety Practices, at Odisha State Safety Conclave on 24 September 2016 at Bhubaneswar.
The Award was received by Mr KNV Kiran Kumar (Head HSE & Sustainability), Mr. Pradip Kumar Mohapatra (Head Maintenance 2400MW TPP) & Mr. Krutisunder Mohapatra (Head Safety 2400 MW TPP & Sustainability Assurance) on behalf of Vedanta Ltd, Jharsuguda from Honorable Justice Odisha High court Shri Sanjay Kumar Mishra�� & His Excellency Mr Olaf Iverson, Consul General of the Republic of Germany in presence of Other dignitaries at Odisha State Safety Conclave 2016 held in Bhubaneswar from 25th to 25th Sept 2016.
Kalinga Safety Award is one of the most coveted & prestigious awards in India specifically in Eastern India. The objective of this award is to recognize the outstanding contribution made by an organization covered under the Factories Act 1948,The Safety Health & welfare Act 2005,The building & other construction workers ( Regulation of employment and condition of service ) Act 1996 and the other sector specific industries including� installations under Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB),through their contributions to improve productivity ,Occupational Safety ,Health, Environment and working conditions as well as quality and safety of products and services. This Award is provided for the excellence in the performance of the organisations on above aspects during the year 2015.
This award not only added one more feather in its cap but also reaffirms Vedanta�s commitment towards adhering to safer business practices which are not merely energy efficient but further downscale the adverse effects of their operations on the environment and its constituent natural resources.