Jharsuguda News

Covid-19 positive woman gives birth to healthy baby girl; first such delivery in Jharsuguda

Jharsuguda : For the first time in Jharsuguda, a pregnant woman, Covid-19 positive woman, gave birth to a baby girl on Monday evening at the COVID Hospital in Jharsuguda.

Jharsuguda Addl. District Magistrate, Pradeep kumar Sahoo said that, “The woman was admitted to the hospital after she tested positive, and was due for delivery after seven days, But today at 9.30 pm she delivered her baby girl. The baby is completely healthy . It was a normal delivery. It is the first case of a Covid-positive pregnant woman giving birth inside COVID Hospital in Jharsuguda.”

The delivery was done by Dr Nayak O&G , and other medical staffs

Even , Jharsuguda District Collector Shared this news through his twitter handle


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