Jharsuguda News

Dead Fishes in Purunabasti Pond sparks concern

Jharsuguda : In a shocking incident hundreds of fishes were floating on the surface of the pond of Purnabasti in Jharsuguda on Wednesday. Though the exact reason behind the death of fishes is yet to be ascertained but it is suspected that water pollution could be the cause

The local residents living near the pond and those who are using the pond for bathing are living in fear regarding the quality of water, they are using it.

“Many Drain water is entering into the pond, we have requested municipality but nothing has been done yet, However, we don’t know the exact reason. Local residents of Ward no. 16,17 are dependent upon this pond for their daily needs. Since yesterday the fishes are lying dead near the pond, we want that that district administration should conduct a quality test of water of pond so that people residing and using this pond water should not suffer. We are now even afraid to touch this water. If nothing it is done then we will be restored to agitation.” said Saurav Sahu, a local resident of Purunabasti

Jharsuguda Municipality Executive Officer, Jogendra Majhi said, “We have already sent our ward officer to inspect the incident while simultaneously have also asked Jharsuguda District Fishery Officer to visit the pond and to ascertain the exact cause of death of fishes in the pond and recommend necessary preventive measures so that the incident does not occur again in future.


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