Jharsuguda News

Belpahar witness ‘Zero Shadow Day’, rare Celestial Phenomenon

Jharsuguda : Belpahar town of Jharsuguda District witness a Zero Shadow Day on Saturday. It is a rare celestial phenomenon during which no shadow of an object or a belong is observed

The phenomenon occurs twice a year when the sun is at its highest point in the sky at all the regions between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricon. Due to the sun being exactly overhead, the shadow of all beings or objects disappears, resulting in Zero Shadow Day.

In Jharsuguda District, Belpahar witnessed zero shadow day on Saturday. It lasted for about 3 min. It started from 11:48hrs to 11:51 hrs. One of our viewers, Aditya Sharma who had witness the same has shared the photo of Zero Shadow Day.


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