Flight Resumes at Veer Surendra Sai Airport , Jharsuguda

Jharsuguda : After a gap of two months, the flight operation at Veer Surendra Sai Airport resumed on Monday. The domestic flight operation were shutdown due to rise in numbers of corona virus cases.
Before Lockdown, Alliance Air ( a wholly subsidiary of Air India) operated flights for Kolkata, Bhubaneswar and Raipur sector, whereas Spice Jet airlines operated flights for Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad sector.
As reported, On Monday, Alliance Air’s flights for Kolkata and Bhubaneswar along with Spicejet Airline’s Kolkata flight were cancel till 27th May, due to damages done by recent Cyclone Amphan at Kolkata Airport.
However, Spice jet Airlines operated two flights Hyderabad-Jharsuguda-Hyderabad and Delhi-Jharsuguda-Delhi. On Monday, 86 passengers including 67 passenger to Delhi and 19 passenger to Hyderabad had departed from VSS Airport, Jharsuguda.
Whereas total 129 passengers including 86 passenger from Delhi and 43 passengers from Hyderabad arrived at VSS Airport, Jharsuguda.
“I had come down to my home at Rourkela and was caught up in lockdown. Now as the flights have resume, I am going back to rejoin my job at Barmer, Rajasthan. As this virus will not go so easily, we have to take our own safety itself and if we follow precaution and guidelines then we will be safe.” said Nilanchal, an Air traveler travelling in Spicejet Delhi Flight.
“For Airport security we have a security team who are deployed at the airport. For people who are coming from other states, facilities like medical screening, registration and stamping arrangements have been made by Jharsuguda District Administration. I have reviewed the security aspect along with overall smooth functioning of the arrangements.” said Jharsuguda Superintendent of Police Rahul PR
” Actually all Kolkata Flights were cancelled today . However, flights for Hyderabad and Delhi operated by Spicejet airlines is operating . All Security, infrastructure has been ready along with all guidelines of social distancing is being followed.” said , M. Karunakar, Director General Manager, Airport Authority of India, Jharsuguda