Inner Wheel Club of Jharsuguda Celebrated Literacy Day with students of Kalupatra School

Jharsuguda : Innerwheel club of Jharsuguda pearls organized an event at Kalupatra school on the occasion of Literacy Day. In this function, inner wheel district ESO Mrs Krishna Mohanty was the chief guest. On this day, The members had�honored teachers of our adopted school and had�donated water purifier stationery,books,food packets to all kids of the school. Members also�organized competition for kids and distribute prizes to winner. �A rally was also organized in which�school kids,teachers, members of�Rotary club of Jharsuguda Royals participated.
The club had taken a responsibility and sponsored the education for two kids till Class Ten, who could not afford to take education due to financial constraint. The Members also vowed to bring
electricity in the school. and will also try to�convert government school to happy school.
In this function, Inner Wheel Club President Sheetal Agarwal along with�club CLCC Veena Hussain and committee members Rekha Agarwal, Shalu Chawala and Venus Arukia were present�along with�secretary Nupur Sighania �who had presided the meeting with�Priyanka Mishra,M ona Sultania, Sudha Jindal, Sarita Bindal, Usha Agarwal, Sweta Kedia and Ankita Kedia.