Jharsuguda News

Women farmer of the District promotes agriculture in the area

Jharsuguda With a firm determination a woman of Jharsuguda district has proved that if anyone is determined to reach its Goal then no body one can stop him or her. Smt.  Nalini Patel (50 years old), a women farmer of Keldamal Village under Kolabira Block of Jharsuguda District, had never imagined that she would become one of the noted farmers of the district.

Nalini had to face many hurdles to convince her father-in-laws, for taking agriculture as the profession by her and yielding higher returns from the family owned land by using new techniques of cultivation. But, after much perusal she was allowed to do cultivation without much support but managing from her own, which gave fruitful result on the very first year of cultivation and after which she never saw backwards and by the use of new techniques and Vermi compost for manure the production increased to many folds.

“Initially, being a daughter of a farmer, I got to learn farming from my father and after wards I had adopted some new techniques with the help of local agriculture office and I just tried to streamline the techniques due to which the yields have gone up.  We use to produce only 200 quintals of rice using old traditional methods previously but after using new techniques like Line Sowing, Trip method, SRI methods and equipments like Transplanter, Paddy Thrasher, Power ripper and Cono Weeder etc. now we are able to produce more than 600 quintals.” Saiys Nalini

She adds “Adopting new techniques might not help if you are not fully involved in to it. For getting good result one has to be fully involved in to it and give thier .”

Just not that she has also helped other women to join her. Currently she has engaged 30 – 40 women of the village who are working with her who have also implemented the same method in cultivating their own land.

Women Shanti Kumhra (35) resident of Keldamal village says that, “By using these techniques the production of our farm has increased.”

Another woman of the village, Subhasini Bhoi (40) said that, “We would like to thanks Nalini Patel because of her, we are able to support our family in a better way.”

She has received various awards from the agriculture department like, Kruti Krusha Saman, at Krishi Mahotsav and State Level award like Krushak Pratibha Saman in 2012. She was also recently been felicitated by Gujarat CM Narendra Modi in Agriculture Global Summit organized by Vibrant Gujarat held at Gandhi Nagar Gujarat on 9th September 2013.

Jharsuguda Deputy Director Agriculture, Benudhar Panda says that, “She is one of the active farmer and you can always find her on the field. She is one of the best and dedicated farmer of our district and by use of all new techniques , she has became one of the successful farmer of this district not only this she has also inspired other ladies to actively take part in to this sector.”



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