Jharsuguda News

More than thousand Job Aspirants turns out in Block Level Job Fair

Jharsuguda: A Job Fair was being organized by the Dist. Employment Office and Dist. Administration at Purna High School, Jharsuguda. In which around 9 Industries had taken part i.e. OPGC, Ultratech, TRL, MSP, L N Metallicks , Seven Stars, Sesa Sterlite, SMC and Concast Steel & Power Ltd.

In this around more than thousand job aspirants had filled up the form. In this Job fair, three was four division in which the selection was taken,

1. Degree/Diploma/Engg./Msc./Bsc.(Hons)

2. ITI & BSC

3. Matriculation onwards like +2, +3

4. Under Matriculation

BDO Tapiram Majhi , Deputy Director Planning along with Dist. Employment Officer Chintamani Mahanada were present.





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