Impressed over the kind of diseases is being successfully treated by Homeopathic these days: Naba Kishore Das , Health Minister

Impressed over the kind of diseases is being successfully treated by Homeopathic these days: Naba Kishore Das , Health Minister
Jharsuguda : �I am impressed over the kind of diseases is being successfully treated by Homeopathic treatment these days. We will discuss and implement suggestions from the doctors who are in this field for improving the condition as well as the development of Homoeopathic in Odisha State.� said by Odisha State Health and Family Welfare Minister Naba Kishore Das.
State Health and Family Welfare Minister had visited JDS Homoeopathic Hospital in Jharsuguda, on Sunday and had appreciated the work being done for the benefit of people through the Homeopathic treatment.
He was also being felicitated by the members of Western Odisha Homeopathic Physicians along with Dr. Deoshlok Sharma and Dr. Jitesh Sharma, Directors of JDS Homoeopathic Hospital.
While speaking to Press, �Some diseases are being cured by Allopathy and some are being cured by Homeopathy and some by Naturopathy, so everything is necessary for the benefit of people, we don�t want to mix everything. I will try that all treatments should be equally available for the people of the state. As, I haven�t completed even a month, it will take some time. However, Health sector in the State has issues and problems for which I am reviewing it. My vision is to have a new Health policy 2025 under our Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik�s dream for providing Best Healthcare to the people of Odisha. I will try my best to improve the health condition in Odisha, after review, I will chalk out my plan and implement it accordingly. �Said Naba Kishore Das, Health Minister.
Other Distinguished guests who were present during this function �Dr. Brahmananda Nayak��and Dr. Bipra Chandra Rout (Rtd. Reader , Utkalmani Homoeopathic Medical College, Rourkela), Dr. Gopal Chandra Behera, President (All Orissa Govt. Homeopathy Services Association) , Dr. R.K. Singh, Principal, Sambalpur Homeopathic College, Dr. Sudhanshu Singh, Professor , Sambalpur Homoeopathic College, Dr. Harihar Khuntia, Medical Officer, Sambalpur Homeopathic College, Harish Ganatra ( Ex-Chairman , Jharsuguda Municipality) , Sandeep Awasthy (President , Jharsuguda Bar Association),�