Community Services

Nepal’s Minne Limbu, reunites with his family with help of Mission Ashalok

Jharsuguda, May 19, 2024 — A rehabilitation center for mentally ill men, Mission Aashalok, located in Badmal, Jharsuguda, has successfully reunited Minne Limbu, a mentally ill man, with his family in Nepal. The centre is supported by the District Administration and run by the People’s Forum with the help of the District Mineral Fund.

According to his family members, Minne Limbu went out with his friends about two months ago in search of a livelihood and subsequently lost his mental balance. He ended up at Jharsuguda railway station in a state of mental imbalance, where he was rescued by the Jharsuguda railway police and admitted to Mission Aashalok.

After receiving care and treatment at the centre, Minne Limbu’s mental condition improved, and he was able to reveal his home address. The staff at Mission Aashalok traced his address to Village Aitabare, Buddhashanti-4, District Jhapa, Nepal. They contacted his brother, Sukhraraj Limbu, through social media and informed his family about his whereabouts. Overjoyed by the news, his brother and cousin travelled from Nepal to Mission Aashalok to bring him home.

The reunion ceremony was attended by Bivekananda Mishra, founder of Jhadeswari Special School, Social activists Gudu Thappa, Renu Tiwari, and Lakshmi Thappa. During the ceremony, Minne Limbu was presented with a bouquet and an image of God as a symbol of good luck before being handed over to his family.

His family expressed immense joy and gratitude to the district administration and the People’s Forum, thanking them for their support and efforts in reuniting Minne Limbu with his loved ones.


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