WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app, is introducing a new feature that allows users to record and send real-time videos to their friends and relatives. This feature, which is expected to benefit millions of users, will work similar to the current voice messaging feature on WhatsApp.
According to reports, users will be able to record real-time videos of up to 60 seconds using this new feature, which will be distinct from the existing video recording feature on WhatsApp. One key difference is that recipients of the video will be able to tell if the video was just recorded or not.
One notable aspect of this new feature is that video messages on WhatsApp will be fully encrypted, ensuring that WhatsApp cannot read the shared video messages between the sender and receiver. Additionally, the video messages will not be saved and cannot be forwarded to anyone else.
However, there is a potential issue with this feature, as recipients can save the sent videos by recording the screen. This is something that WhatsApp is actively working on to address before rolling out the feature to users.