
Jharsuguda Forest Division holds Online Bird Photography competition for school students

Jharsuguda : The Jharsuguda Forest Division will mark Wildlife week, 2020 in the first week of October by holding online photography competitions for school students in wake of COVID 19 Pandemic. They have organisedClick a Bird Online Photography Contest for the students.

Wildlife week is celebrated all over the country in the month of October from 2nd to 8th every year. This year Jharsuguda Forest Division is conducting an online Bird photography competition.

Students have asked to confirm their participation by email on jharsuguda.dmu@ofsdp.org and send their entries by 6th October. All participation will be handed over the participation certificates and few exciting prizes for the winners.

The main objective of the bird photography contest is to create awareness love for our wildlife with special emphasis on bird life.  

Jharsuguda Divisional Forest Officer Lalit Kumar Patra said, �The main objective to make student more aware of conservation and protection of wildlife. During this pandemic and lockdown situation this competition will give an opportunity to students to participate and appreciate the nature.�

�It�s a very nice initiative taken by the Jharsuguda Forest Division, it is a good way to promote wildlife and connect nature with the students, so that it will develop lots of awareness and also create care and love for our wildlife. It�s really praiseworthy initiative during this COVID19 situation.� said Abhishek Lath, resident of Jharsuguda

  • Students up to class 10 are eligible for the competition.
  • Bird picture can be taken from mobile phone/digital camera.
  • Picture taken within the Jharsuguda district limit will only be eligible.
  • Pictures of pet, domestic or caged bird are not allowed.
  • Picture of birds in their natural environment will be given preference.
  • Please do not over edit the picture. Only the basic edit like contrast, brightness etc is allowed.
  • Before clicking the picture please ensure �location� is �on� in your mobile/camera and date stamp
  • Imprint appears on the picture. This is to ensure that the picture has been taken within the Competition period and within the district limit.
  • Along with the picture, please do send a brief note about the bird, E.g. Name, noticeable habit, interesting behaviour, its importance in our life (max 10 lines).
  • The picture must be original and taken by the contestant. It should not be copied or taken from some other course.
  • Email your entry to: jharsuguda.dmu@ofsdp.org along with your name, class, school, Your address, phone no. Also mention date and time of the picture, Location and your observation as per (8) above.
  • Please send only one picture. Multiple pictures or album are not allowed.
  • Deadline for submission of photographs with brief description, about bird is 6th Oct 2020 , 5.00 pm.

For FOR ANY QUERY VISIT : www.dfojharsuguda.org or CONTACT : +917008621395


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