Teachers’ Day celebration goes Online

Jharsuguda : COVID19 restrictions provided a new experience of celebrating Teacher’s Day this year. DAV Public school of Jharsuguda observed Teacher’s Day on-line.
Teachers, students and parents of the school were involved in this online celebration, where a tribute was paid to Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan by lighting lamp and offering garland on his portrait by DAV Principal, Prashanta Kumar Panda who gave the welcome address and recalled all the Gurus of ancient as well as and modern times.
He also advised the students to learn from nature, to fight with negative forces, to explore new things by refining own thoughts and skills, to memorize and respect all former teachers and to work for the society.
Subash Ch. Mishra, MVLN Rao, Nilima Patel, Bijay Ku. Dash, Panchanan Patel, Sumanta Sahu, Akshaya Ku. Pani, Rahas Bihari Dash and other teachers were present for the programme. Archana Naik, Gayatri Palei, Archana Thakkar, Saniya Gandhi, Vanshika Sakunia and along with other students conducted the programme online.
Teachers resolved to accept the forthcoming educational challenges by adopting latest technological teaching-learning strategies.