Jharsuguda : Vanmahotsav 2020 was kicked off at Jharsuguda. Van Mahotsav�is an annual one week tree plating�festival in India. it was started in 1950 by Kanaiyalal Manekal Munsi. It generally celebrated from 1st July t0 7th July.
In Jharsuguda, the Forest Officials had observed the Van Mohatsav and kicked off this event at Kumudapali area, near Purna.
The aim in celebrating this Van Mohatsav is to encourage everyone to support tree plantation to create more forest in the country. By doing his it would provide�alternative fuels, increasing production of food resources, creating shelter-belts around fields to increase productivity, provide food and shade for cattle, offer shade and decorative landscapes, reducing drought and helping to prevent�soil erosion.