Jharsuguda News

Spicejet airlines to operate only Delhi flights till 31st May, from VSS Airport, Jharsuguda

Jharsuguda : Three days after the centre announced the resumption of domestic flights, a total 58 numbers of passengers arrived and departed from the Veer Surendra Sai (VSS) Airport, Jharsuguda on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Spice jet Airlines operated only Hyderabad-Jharsuguda-Hyderabad Flight.

On the third day, a total 58 numbers of passenger including 39  arrived from  Hyderabad and 19 Passenger departed for Hyderabad  from  VSS Airport , Jharsuguda

As reported, Alliance Air (a wholly subsidiary of Air India) was supposed to start its Kolkata and Bhubaneswar flight service from 28th May 2020, now the cancellation of the same has been extended till 31st May due to constraints in getting slots at Kolkata Airport.  

Similarly, from 28th May onwards, Spice jet Airlines will operate only Delhi Flights till 31st May. Its Hyderabad and Kolkata Flights will remain cancel due to some unknown reasons.

Before Lockdown, Alliance Air (a wholly subsidiary of Air India) operated flights for Kolkata, Bhubaneswar and Raipur sector, whereas Spice Jet airlines operated flights for Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad sector.


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