A Grand Independence Day Celebration by Young Star Clubs

Jharsuguda: Members of Young star club celebrated 71st Independence Day at Sarbahal. In this occasion, various students had participated in Cultural�programmes.
The flag was hoisted by the chief guest of the event Kishor Kumar Mohanty Chairperson, WODC �in presence of Honorary Naib-Subedar Sushil Toppo 4th mech, INF(Sikh Regiment) Indian Army as Star Guest along with Harish Ganantra, Chairman�Jharsuguda Municipality as chief Speaker.
The event started with patriotic dance and mono act play by Differently able schools student later followed by a cultural programme by school students.
There was a live painting performed by the professional artist Swayamprabha Dash.
In this event, the First preview of the upcoming project of installation of Highest�Flag Pole unfurled by Chairman, Jharsuguda Municipality.