OPGC Celebrates AES Safety Day

Jharsuguda (IB THERMAL) : OPGC celebrated AES safety day today in the premises of IB Thermal Power Station.The day started with distribution of Safety Day special cap and pinning of safety badge on the uniform for all employees of OPGC including contractor employees and workers. Mr. Debu Prasad Mishra Sr.Manager(Safety) of OPGC 3 & 4 project welcomed all the employees who had gathered at the designated spot for celebrations.
At about 8.30am, all the employees took the Safety Oath to follow safety guidelines in their work place as well as home. OPGC Delegates Mr. Ron Mc Parland, Executive Director-Construction (OPGC 3 & 4), Mr. Alok Kumar Mukherjee, Director (Operation) , Mr. Sukanta Kumar Mohapatra, General Manager (O & M), Mr. Sanjay Garhwal, Plant Manger, Mr. Roddy Elder, Construction Manager (OPGC 3 & 4),�Mr. Richard Stephen, Manager (EHSS) of OPGC 3 & 4 project� and Mr. Umakant Pahi, Head(EHS-OPGC-1 &2) spoke on the significance of Safety Week and urged all the fellow employees and workers to be alert all the time and stop all possibility of accidents� by following the safety values.� Sites Heads of EPC partners BHEL and BGRE also spoke on the occasion. Song and poetry recital along with a short play by contractor workers on the theme of Safety was the point of attraction of the event. Later, Contractor workers and Employees were rewarded for excellence in following safe work procedure in their area of work. Mr. Debu Prasad Mishra Sr. Manager (Safety) of OPGC 3 & 4 co-ordinated the whole programme on the stage and gave the customary vote of thanks.
In the afternoon, video sessions on importance of Safety procedures and Safety walk was conducted for the awareness of OPGC employees.