Jharsuguda District Youth Festival Kicks off

Jharsuguda:� Traditional folk dance marked the beginning of the�organized by Jharsuguda District�Administration on Saturday.
This two � day long cultural fest was inaugurated on Saturday by�Jharsuguda PD, DRDA Jyotiranjan Pradhan at a function organized at�Ghanashyam Hemlata Vidya Mandir School. Over 152 youths from variousblocks of the Jharsuguda District had participated on the first day
along with the 14 Judges and officials. This two days event� will end�on 2nd November.
Various competitions like Folk Dance, Song and Act Play (Hindi &�English) along with competitions in classical, vocal (Solo) and�Classical Instrumental (Solo) will be organized in these two days.��Participants selected in these would participate in coming State�Level Youth Festival� said by Dist. Sports Officer Sushil Kumar Mishra