Community Services

TEAM SAVE Jharsuguda Conducts Plantation Drive at Badheimunda Pond and Wards 14 & 16

Jharsuguda :  In a commendable effort to enhance the green cover of Jharsuguda, members of TEAM SAVE JHARSUGUDA carried out a plantation drive today along the banks of Badheimunda Pond and in various locations within wards 14 and 16. This initiative is part of the organization’s ongoing campaign to promote environmental conservation and community involvement in local sustainability efforts.

The event saw enthusiastic participation from local residents, environmental activists, and volunteers who gathered early in the morning to plant a variety of saplings, including fruit-bearing trees, ornamental plants, and indigenous species. The initiative aims to not only beautify the area but also improve air quality and provide habitat for local wildlife.

The plantation drive is part of a larger series of environmental initiatives planned by TEAM SAVE JHARSUGUDA. The organization has been actively involved in various conservation efforts, including waste management campaigns, water conservation projects, and awareness programs aimed at educating the public about sustainable practices.

Residents of wards 14 and 16 expressed their appreciation for the efforts of TEAM SAVE JHARSUGUDA.  The members of TEAM SAVE JHARSUGUDA have pledged to continue their efforts and encourage more residents to join their cause. Regular follow-ups and maintenance of the planted saplings have been planned to ensure their growth and survival. Today’s plantation drive marks another step forward in Jharsuguda’s journey towards a greener and more sustainable future.


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