Jharsuguda News

Cyclist with a mission to promote Cycling and keep environment clean

Jharsuguda : A 23 year old Cyclist, Sudip Das, has set out for All India Journey from Kolkata on 24th November with a mission to create awareness on Pollution free World and Save Trees. He has halted his journey at Jharsuguda  on Wednesday and will resume his onward journey for Andhra Pradesh from Thursday.

A native of Jadhavpur in Kolkata (West Bengal), he started his journey on 24th November 2022 and was willing to travel the entire country on his bicycle with a message to save trees and keep Pollution Free World.

“As I love to plant trees and thought that I should do something for the environment and create some awareness towards it. So, I am travelling all over India spreading this message to use cycles which will also help us be healthy , keep fit and keep the environment clean. Earlier also I have traveled to Vizag from Kolkata in the year 2021 on cycle and later in the year 2022, I have travelled from Kolkata to Kedarnath walking with the same awareness message. This time I am planning to cover the entire India spreading this message on my bicycle.”

I have studied till BA first year and after covid, I dropped out. Whenever I remain at home, I usually help in my father’s Pan Shop. I am the youngest son in my family apart from  two elder sisters.“ Said Sudip Das

His accommodation has been provided by Prashant Nanda & Nirmal Hathi, Social Workers of Jharsuguda

“We have just extended a small help by helping him in achieving his goal.” said Prashant Nanda, Social Worker


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