Jharsuguda News

Railway Gate keeper dies after run over by a truck

Jharsuguda : A 50 year-old Balijori Railway Level Crossing Gate Keeper was run over by a heavy vehicle truck after he went to stop the truck from crossing the railway level crossing on Tuesday morning.

The deceased was identified as Tekchand Pan (50-year-old), resident of Sarasmal under Dhutra area in Jharsuguda district.

As per report, on 10.30 am, Balijori Gate keeper Tekchand Pan wanted to close the gate after switching on the siren for gate closure but still the trucks were crossing the gate when he personally went to stop the truck, when the truck bearing number (OD 16B 8139) had dashed him and run over him, killing the gate keeper Tekchand on the spot.

“Always we have to go personally to stop the movement of truck on this railway crossing as the traffic is very busy due to movement of trucks. Some vehicles stop and some not. Today, the truck didn’t stop and had run over Tekchand and tried to fled away from the spot. Once our higher officer had come to spot and saw the heavy traffic movement and had agreed to provide two people but till now nothing has been done yet.“ Said Tikkaram Patel, another gate keeper of Balijori Railway Level Crossing.

Jharsuguda Govt. Railway Police Officer in-charge Santosh Mirdha said “A rash driving (279 IPC) and death by negligence (304A IPC) case has been registered at Jharsuguda Govt. Railway Police station and the driver of the truck has been detained while the truck has been seized.”


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