Jharsuguda News

Farmers threatens to go on strike over delay in paddy procurement

Jharsuguda : Several farmer leaders on Wednesday submitted a memorandum to Jharsuguda District Collector over delay in paddy procurement. They have given seven days ultimatum to the Dist. administration to start the paddy procurement, if not they will stage a strike regarding this.

As per the memorandum, it stated that in 2020, the paddy procurement had started from 25th November 2020, but presently in this year, the paddy procurement has not yet started. and if the paddy procurement is not started within seven days then they will go on strike.

The delay in paddy procurement is also hampered due to the ongoing strikes of employees and Data Entry operators of PACS and LAMPS, who are sitting on strike on various demands.

“We had a District Level Paddy Procurement committee meeting on 6th November 2021 and it was decided that paddy procurement will commence from 7th December but till now the District Administration has not arranged or informed regarding the start of the paddy procurement process. My question is why the Government is not showing interest to buy paddy through RMC (Regulated Market Committee) as it was doing previously. The govt. doesn’t have any interest. If within seven days the paddy procurement is not done then we will stage a massive protest.” said, Dilip Badhei, a local farmer leader.

In this regard, Jharsuguda Civil Supply Officer, Umesh Ch. Swain said, “In Jharsuguda District, in this season a total 18966 farmers have been identified after verification and as per the DLPC meeting, the paddy procurement should have been started from 7th December but due to ongoing strike of PACS Secretary and Data entry operator, now the time has been extended to 24th December.”


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