TRL Krosaki receives National Safety Council (NSC) Survashretha Suraksha Puraskar (Golden Trophy) 2020.

TRL Krosaki has received the coveted National Safety Council (NSC) Survashretha Suraksha Puraskar (Golden Trophy) 2020 for its par excellent performance in the field of Industrial Safety in Manufacturing Sector. It is the highest level of Safety Award instituted by National Safety Council (NSC), the Apex Body in India to promote Safety. Because of the prevailing COVID 19 situation, a Virtual Award function was organized in a web platform on 05.03.2021 where the award was declared.
Prominent Industries of the country like Mahindra and Mahindra, L & T, Tata Steel, Kalpataru Power, The Indian Cements, Crompton and Greaves, Honda Motors, Vedanta, Exide Industries, etc. participated in this competition. The process of evaluation was very stringent and conducted by top safety experts of the country. It is pertinent to mention here that, the company has also won the Suraksha Puraskar (Silver Trophy) for the year 2018 and 2019.
Senior leadership of the company has congratulated all for this highest level of achievement. Dr. Tarapada Dash, Senior Vice President (Corporate Services) and the Factory Manager under whom Safety and Environment Management Department functions has dedicated the Award to all the workmen, contractor employees, Shift-In-Charges, frontline officers and Managers, all Department Heads, the Union, and the entire Leadership Team for relentlessly pursuing the cause of safety, health and environment to achieve �ZERO HARM�. He also expressed his gratitude to all for their contribution.
As a responsible corporate citizen, TRL Krosaki, has always shown its commitment for achieving excellence in Environment, Health and Safety. The company has adopted Safety Excellence Journey (SEJ) in 2012 for improving its Safety Standard.