Frying Pan handle gets stuck into a 3 year-old kid

Jharsuguda: In a rare incident, a 3-year-old kid, of Sahajbahal�area was in a critical condition when a Frying panhandle got stuck into his mouth while he was playing inside the house on Sunday evening.
As per the mother of the child Surekha Guru, the 3-year-old child, Ayush Guru had come to his uncle’s house situated at Patrapali village under Kolabira Block of Jharsuguda district. On Sunday evening, 5 p.m. while playing in the house, accidentally the frying pan handle got stuck into his mouth, after hearing the cry of the child, the family members rushed to his recuse but unable to take out the handle from his mouth. They rushed him to Jharsuguda Dist. Headquarter Hospital.� When it reached Jharsuguda Dist. Headquarter Hospital, the doctors had referred him Burla. However, the child family members had taken him to the Samleswari Hospital due to non-availability of the anesthesiologist in the Jharsuguda District� Hospital.
After two hours of Surgery conducted by Dr Ravindra Kumar�Pradhan of Samleshwari Hospital, the frying pan handle was taken out and now the kid has been admitted to ICU.