Industries News

OSPCB Seals five units of Vedanta, Katikela Villagers submits memorandum not to Shutdown Company

Jharsuguda :  Acting on the sealing order issued by Jharsuguda District Collector on Friday, Jharsuguda administration along with Pollution Control Board officials sealed the five units of Vedanta Limited situated at Bhurkhamunda.

On Wednesday, State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB) had issued a notice to Vedanta Aluminium Limited for Close down of five units of CPP and IPP of its plant.

“After receiving the sealing order from Jharsuguda District Collector Bibhuti Bhusan Pattnaik, we have sealed the three units of 135MW each of Captive Power Plant (CPP) and two units of 600 MW Independent Power Plant (IPP), in presence of Jharsuguda Sub Collector Ajay Jena and Jharsuguda Tehsildar Golak Bihari Mangraj. However the process of sealing is undergoing and would be completed in another couple of hours,” said Niranjan Mallik, Regional Officer, Pollution Control Board, Jharsuguda

The move had come after a breach in Vedanta plant’s ash pond no-2 held on August 28 near Katikela Village that had led to flowing of whopping 42, 24, 000 metric tonne of ash slurry into Bheden river and nearby paddy fields at the village.

Meanwhile, the villagers of Katikela, on Friday have submitted a memorandum to Jharsuguda Dist. Collector stating not to shut down Vedanta Plant.

“After the breach of Ash pond, we had a meeting at Dist. Collectorate in presence of administration and company officials where it was decided that the company will pay for compensation and even displacement of our village. If the company is shut down then who will pay the compensation and how can our village be displaced.? said “Baikunta Sahoo, Villager Katikela

“Due to the closure of the plant, many people will also become unemployed. We want that company should also function and our demand should also be met,” he added



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