
2 arrested for selling Spurious liquor

Brajrajnagar : Brajrajnagar Police on Thursday arrested two people for selling Spurious Liquor in Brajrajnagar and seized around 101 bottles of Spurious liquor from them.

Brajrajnagar Police identified the accused as Sunil Singh alias Bulbul (43) and Sudeep Chanda aliasĀ  Raju (37) of Brajrajnagar

As per the Brajrajnagar police officials, during evening patrolling by Brajrajnagar Police Team received a piece of reliable information regarding the selling of Spurious liquor in the Brajrajnagar Area. After Which the team nabbed one Sunil Singh red-handed and on a further raid on his house a total of 101 bottles of Black Horse Whiskey 750 ML each and Adulterate Liquor of 2 Jerkin about 6.5 Liters. And Some Empty Wine Bottles and caps were seized.


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