
Jewellery Staff allegedly beaten to death

Jharsuguda : A 33 year old employee of an Jewellery store was allegedly beaten to death for stealing gold ornaments worth Rs. 60 Lakhs.

The deceased employee was identified as Suresh Pandey, a resident of Dahya, Maheswar Pinda Roxa, Dist. Boudh

As per the report, Suresh Pandey was working as a sales man at Jharsuguda based Jewellery store Odissi Jewellery shop. He was the main person for taking care of opening and closing of stocks of the shop but while matching the stocks the shop owner found that gold ornaments worth Rs. 60 Lakhs were missing and had filed a complained at Jharsuguda police station. Later police had taken him to conduct medical test, where he became serious and was shifted to VIMSAR, Burla, where he succumbed to death.

As per the complained filed by the mother of deceased Suresh Pandey, Kaushalaya Pandey  alleged that her son was assaulted by the shop owner and staffs, as results his sons had received injuries on his body.

Based on the complaint by the mother of the Deceased, Jharsuguda Police has registered a case against the shop owners and staffs and has been investigating the matter


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